The massage of acupuncture points on the body of a man is completely mechanized and of no need now thanks to a new invention-patent ¹ 18445 Ukraine .

     The aim of this invention is to give everybody opportunity, without anybody's help to provide massage of a great group of acupuncture points simultaneously on his body. This invention looks like a specific dress on each part of the body and the whole body too like a full-pressure suit.

     The specific action on each part of the body is the same, that's why we describe here only a hat.

To open the detail description you should put 5$ into a purse Z 400390636680 web-money or according currency exchange of Ukraine into a purse E 407372680629

To open drawings you should put 20$ into a purse Z 400390636680 web-money or according exchange course of Ukraine the purse U 662126856989 or the purse E 407372680629 Ukraine, Zaporojie, street zelenogorskaya, 43 Luzik Aleksandr Nikolaevich,+3 8(061)7697945


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